Results for 'Idaho Falls Idaho'

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  1. Automated intelligent assistant for mass spectrometry operation ee filby, ra Rankin, de Yoshida westinghouse idaho nuclear company, inc. Idaho national engineering laboratory.Idaho Falls Idaho - 1991 - Ai 1991 Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry Topical Meeting, Jackson Lake, Wy, Sept. 15-18, 1991 1.
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  2. Normative Ignorance: A Critical Connection Between the Insanity and Mistake of Law Defenses.Ken Levy - 2020 - Florida State University Law Review 47:411-443.
    This Article falls into three general parts. The first part starts with an important question: is the insanity defense constitutionally required? The United States Supreme Court will finally try to answer this question next term in the case of Kahler v. Kansas. -/- I say “finally” because the Court refused to answer this question in 2012 when it denied certiorari to an appeal brought by John Joseph Delling, a severely mentally ill defendant who was sentenced to life in prison (...)
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    Loss of seasonal ranges reshapes transhumant adaptive capacity: Thirty-five years at the US Sheep Experiment Station.Hailey Wilmer, J. Bret Taylor, Daniel Macon, Matthew C. Reeves, Carrie S. Wilson, Jacalyn Mara Beck & Nicole K. Strong - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-19.
    Transhumance is a form of extensive livestock production that involves seasonal movements among ecological zones or landscape types. Rangeland-based transhumance constitutes an important social and economic relationship to nature in many regions of the world, including across the Western US. However, social and ecological drivers of change are reshaping transhumant practices, and managers must adapt to increased demands for public rangeland use. Specifically, concerns for wildlife conservation have led to reduced access to seasonal public lands grazing for western US livestock (...)
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  4. Loss of seasonal ranges reshapes transhumant adaptive capacity: Thirty-five years at the US Sheep Experiment Station.Hailey Wilmer, J. Bret Taylor, Daniel Macon, Matthew C. Reeves, Carrie S. Wilson, Jacalyn Mara Beck & Nicole K. Strong - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):545-563.
    Transhumance is a form of extensive livestock production that involves seasonal movements among ecological zones or landscape types. Rangeland-based transhumance constitutes an important social and economic relationship to nature in many regions of the world, including across the Western US. However, social and ecological drivers of change are reshaping transhumant practices, and managers must adapt to increased demands for public rangeland use. Specifically, concerns for wildlife conservation have led to reduced access to seasonal public lands grazing for western US livestock (...)
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    Ethique et recherche en santé: guide destiné à la vulgarisation de l'éthique biomédicale au Sénégal.Mintou Fall Sidibe - 2004 - Dakar: Editions du livre universel.
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    Itinéraire du droit et terres des hommes: mélanges en l'honneur de Jean-Marie Breton.Alioune Fall - 2017 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin. Edited by Jean-Marie Breton.
    Si les voies du droit sont complexes, ses objets divers et ses champs multiples, il est par essence "en commerce" avec d'autres disciplines des sciences sociales et humaines, qui interfèrent dans son élaboration et affectent son contenu comme la portée de sa fonction normative. Au carrefour des régimes politiques, des systèmes juridiques et des sociétés en mutation, il a dû, au fil du temps, diversifier ses instruments pour répondre à des problématiques écartelées entre nationalismes et mondialisation. Ces rencontres et croisements (...)
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    Composition as Identity, Universalism, and Generic Quantifiers.Edward Falls - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (5):1277-1291.
    Composition as Identity is, roughly, the thesis that the parts of a whole, taken collectively, are in some sense identical with the whole. Einar Duenger Bohn argues for Universalism from CAI. Universalism says that composition is totally unrestricted: wherever two or more objects occur, an instance of composition occurs, however unnatural or gerrymandered. Bohn’s argument relies on inferences with generic quantifiers, but he does not provide a clear account of generic quantification. My argument is that on the most plausible approach (...)
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    Tsong kha pa and the Myth of the Given.Edward Falls - 2016 - Journal of Buddhist Philosophy 2:132-171.
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    Démocratie et choc des identités: comment articuler l'universel au particulier?Iba Fall - 2018 - Dakar: L'Harmattan Sénégal.
    La politique se mêlant à l'idéologie, le citoyen fait face à des implications multiples : multipartisme, démocratie, identités politiques, formes étatiques, dialogue politique et idéologies politiques s'inscrivent dans une dialectique avec les identités culturelles et aspirations religieuses locales, ce qui ne manque pas de rendre assez complexe les efforts de démocratisation dans le monde. À travers les pratiques et les théories politiques, les individus se déterminent au plan identitaire. Dans ce cadre, se pose un problème qui est au coeur de (...)
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  10. Preface.Yoro K. Fall & Beatrice McGeoch - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (184):v-vii.
    Like any other part of the world, Africa is not immune to the intermingling of cultures and civilizations, heritages and horizons, the endogenous and the exogenous, knowledge and imagery. The effects of new communication and information technologies, which still remain the privilege of a minority of political and intellectual elites, cannot conceal the far more profound transformations and reconfigurations that characterize its societies and cultures.
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  11. Femmes créatrices: entre l'oeuvre et le genre.Aminata Sow Fall - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:81-84.
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    Retribution, reciprocity, and respect for persons.M. Margaret Falls - 1987 - Law and Philosophy 6 (1):25 - 51.
  13. Anafora i jej zatarte granice.Jarosław Fall - 1994 - Studia Semiotyczne 19:163-191.
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  14. Semantyka gierna (game-theoretical semantics).Jarosław Fall - 2001 - Studia Semiotyczne 24:31-56.
  15.  10
    Crise de la socialisation au Sénégal: Suivi de réflexion sur les ontologies bambara et peule.Iba Fall - 2010 - Dakar: L'Harmattan.
    L'idée centrale est simple : l'éducation est la voie incontournable pour réaliser le type d'homme équilibré qu'une société se donne comme idéal. Ce fil directeur que Iba fall tient fermement tout au long de ce plaidoyer pour un monde davantage ancré dans les valeurs humanistes, explore différents aspects d'une crise à la fois d'identité et de civilisation. Il y a crise, selon le jeune professeur de philosophie, parce qu'il y a rencontre, choc et parfois contradiction entre deux modèles d'éducation. Celui (...)
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    Discovering Alabama Forests.Doug Phillips, Robert P. Falls & Rhett Johnson - 2006 - University Alabama Press.
    In Discovering Alabama Forests, ecologist-educator Doug Phillips and photographer Robert Falls celebrate the current health and diversity of Alabama woodlands while sounding a call for their wise management and protection in the future.
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    Cusset, François . French Theory: Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze & Cie et les mutations de la vie intellectuelle aux Etats-Unis . Paris: La Découverte, 2003.Juliet J. Fall - 2005 - Foucault Studies 2:154-158.
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    Empty Words: Buddhist Philosophy and Cross-Cultural Interpretation (review).Edward R. Falls - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):196-200.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Empty Words: Buddhist Philosophy and Cross-Cultural InterpretationEdward R. FallsEmpty Words: Buddhist Philosophy and Cross-Cultural Interpretation. By Jay L. Garfield. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. 306 + xi pp.Jay L. Garfield's Empty Words is a collection of (mostly) previously published essays bearing on the interpretation of Buddhist thought. Emphasizing the Indo-Tibetan tradition while indebted to Euro-American philosophy, Empty Words belongs in a class with books such (...)
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    Prisions and Privacy.M. Margaret Falls - 1989 - Social Philosophy Today 2:312-323.
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    Consumers’ Perceptions of Retail Business Ethics and Loyalty to the Retailer: The Moderating Role of Social Discount Practices.Mbaye Fall Diallo & Christine Lambey-Checchin - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (3):435-449.
    This research investigates the influence that consumers’ perceptions of retail business ethics have on their responses when retailers either create social discount spaces or do not. Using scenarios to imply these social practices and structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses among a sample of 689 respondents, the authors find that consumers’ perceptions of retail business ethics have positive effects on consumer loyalty, both directly and through consumer trust, as well as positive, strong influences on the retailer’s corporate social responsibility (...)
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  21. Protocolo de prevención de caídas.Fall Prevention Protocol - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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  22. Anafora - logiczne metody interpretacji.Jarosław Fall - 2001 - Studia Semiotyczne 23:65-97.
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    Ranulf de Glanville's Formative Years c. 1120-79: The Family Background and His Ascent to the Justiciarship.J. S. Falls - 1978 - Mediaeval Studies 40 (1):312-327.
  24. The Upward Mobility of Wives: Gender, Class and Ethnicity.Wilson Fall Wendy - 1999 - African Philosophy 12 (2):173-196.
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    Les experts globaux du développement local au Sénégal.Mouhamedoune Abdoulaye Fall - 2011 - Multitudes 47 (4):71-77.
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    Émergence d'une culture, déclin d'une profession.Abdou Salam Fall & Laurent Vidal - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 2 (2):239-264.
    À partir d’une approche anthropologique des prises en charge médicales de la tuberculose et du paludisme, ainsi que des conceptions et usages de la prévention dans des milieux urbains d’Afrique de l’Ouest , ce texte interroge la nature du métier de soignant. Après nous être penchés sur les spécificités de ce type d’étude anthropologique en milieu médical, nous nous attachons à décrypter les processus d’occultations des singularités du malade qui caractérisent les messages et discours de prévention. Dans les structures de (...)
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    CSR Actions, Brand Value, and Willingness to Pay a Premium Price for Luxury Brands: Does Long-Term Orientation Matter?Mbaye Fall Diallo, Norchène Ben Dahmane Mouelhi, Mahesh Gadekar & Marie Schill - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (2):241-260.
    Sustainable luxury is a strategic issue for managers and for society, yet it remains poorly understood. This research seeks to clarify how corporate social responsibility actions directly and indirectly affect consumers’ willingness to pay a premium price for luxury brand products, as well as how a long-term orientation might moderate these relationships. A scenario study presents fictional CSR actions of two brands, representing different luxury products, to 1,049 respondents from two countries. The results of a structural equation modeling approach show (...)
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    Composition as Identity, the Identical With or Different From Argument in Bodhicaryāvatāra 8.90–103 (and Elsewhere), and Category Mistakes. [REVIEW]Edward Falls - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (4):940-959.
    Abstract:Paul Williams critiques Śāntideva's argument, claiming it rests on a category mistake. I suggest that if Williams' critique were sound, then the debate about composition as identity in recent analytic metaphysics would also be nonsensical. My argument is that Williams' objection does not make sense when dealing with absolutely general concepts such as the concepts of identity and parthood.
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  29. Thinking outside the frame: Plato, Quinn and Artaud on representation and thought.M. M. McCabe & the Fall Ged Quinn - 2014 - In Damien Freeman & Derek Matravers, Figuring Out Figurative Art: Contemporary Philosophers on Contemporary Paintings. New York: Acumen Publishing.
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    Two sons and a daughter: Sex composition and women's reproductive behaviour in madhya pradesh, india.Jeffrey Edmeades, Rohini Pande, Kerry Macquarrie, Tina Falle & Anju Malhotra - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (6):749-764.
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    Ethical Issues in Implementation Science: A Qualitative Interview Study of Participating Clinicians.Justin T. Clapp, Naomi Zucker, Olivia K. Hernandez, Ellen J. Bass & Meghan B. Lane-Fall - 2025 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 16 (1):22-31.
    Background Implementation science presents ethical issues not well addressed by traditional research ethics frameworks. There is little empirical work examining how clinicians whose work is affected by implementation studies view these issues. Accordingly, we interviewed clinicians working at sites participating in an implementation study seeking to improve patient handoffs to the intensive care unit (ICU).Methods We performed semi-structured interviews with 32 clinicians working at sites participating in an implementation study aiming to improve patient handoffs from the operating room to the (...)
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    Fashionable Ethics: Exploring Ethical Perspectives in the Production, Marketing, and Consumption of Fashion.Patsy Perry, Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Fahian Anisul Huq & Mbaye Fall Diallo - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):711-721.
    This Special Issue examines ethics in fashion to further critical understanding of the various drivers and barriers, nuances and layers of complexity in fashion production, marketing, and consumption, and aims toward a more future-oriented perspective through the lens of ethics. Research on ethical issues in fashion is growing but is fragmented across diverse domains, from supply chain and operations management, to psychology and sociology, to marketing and consumption. Furthermore, there has been only a peripheral focus on ethics and limited application (...)
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    Fashionable Ethics: Exploring Ethical Perspectives in the Production, Marketing, and Consumption of Fashion.Patsy Perry, Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Fahian Anisul Huq & Mbaye Fall Diallo - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):711-721.
    This Special Issue examines ethics in fashion to further critical understanding of the various drivers and barriers, nuances and layers of complexity in fashion production, marketing, and consumption, and aims toward a more future-oriented perspective through the lens of ethics. Research on ethical issues in fashion is growing but is fragmented across diverse domains, from supply chain and operations management, to psychology and sociology, to marketing and consumption. Furthermore, there has been only a peripheral focus on ethics and limited application (...)
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    How Sustainable Luxury Influences Product Value Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions: A Comparative Study of Emerging vs. Developed Markets.Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Vignesh Yoganathan, Fabian Bartsch, Mbaye Fall Diallo & Hongfei Liu - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-26.
    Coinciding with the rising development of emerging markets, sustainable consumption practices in these markets are increasingly under scrutiny. In this context, we compare empirical results from consumers in four countries (three emerging markets and one developed market) in an experimental study to uncover patterns of preferences for sustainable luxury products (i.e., products that combine sustainability and luxury characteristics). Our findings illustrate that consumers’ quality, emotional, price, and social value perceptions, as well as purchase and electronic word-of-mouth intentions, are consistently higher (...)
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  35. Théories et pratiques de la création II: La création au féminin.Danielle Bajomee, Claire Lejeune, Annie Leclerc, Francoise Collin, Anne Martin, Juliette Dor, France Theoret, Aminata Sow Fall, Jacqueline Aubenas & Bénédicte Mauguiere - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:3-276.
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    ‘Except When Night Falls’: Together and Alone in Barthes's Comment vivre ensemble.Diana Knight - 2008 - Paragraph 31 (1):50-62.
    This essay explores the relation between Living-Together and Living-Alone by analysing the overlap between two figures sketched out in Comment vivre ensemble: Autarky and Enclosure. Barthes's ambivalence towards enclosure and self-sufficiency — ideologically negative, existentially and neurotically positive — is traced backwards through a number of 1950s essays to his 1947 proto-mythology Esquisse d’une société sanatoriale. On the basis of Barthes's analysis there of the excessive socialization that serves to repress the reality of illness and death, I move forward again (...)
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    Evaluation of a health service delivery intervention to promote falls prevention in older people across the care continuum.Nancye M. Peel, Catherine Travers, Rebecca A. R. Bell & Kate Smith - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (6):1254-1261.
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    The Grand Leap of the Whale up the Niagara Falls.Søren Holm - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (2):195-203.
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    Plato’s Menexenus as a History that Falls into Patterns.Nickolas Pappas & Mark Zelcer - 2013 - Ancient Philosophy 33 (1):19-31.
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    The dual use of research ethics committees: why professional self-governance falls short in preserving biosecurity.Sabine Salloch - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):53.
    Dual Use Research of Concern constitutes a major challenge for research practice and oversight on the local, national and international level. The situation in Germany is shaped by two partly competing suggestions of how to regulate security-related research: The German Ethics Council, as an independent political advisory body, recommended a series of measures, including national legislation on DURC. Competing with that, the German National Academy of Sciences and the German Research Foundation, as two major professional bodies, presented a strategy which (...)
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    Part 1: Moral motivation in Mencius—When a child falls into a well.Jing Iris Hu - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 1 (8).
    As a 4th century BCE Confucian text, Mencius provides a rich reflection on moral emotions, such as empathy and compassion, and moral cultivation, which has drawn attention from scholars around the world. This two-part discussion dwells on the idea of natural moral motivation expressed through the analogy of the four sprouts—particularly the sprout of ceyin zhixin (the heart of feelings others' distress)—as the starting point, the focus, and the drive of moral cultivation. In this paper, Part 1, I stress the (...)
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    Constitutional Law: Idaho High Court Holds Like Providers to Equal Protection Standard.Gilbert Swift - 1999 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 27 (2):198-198.
    The Supreme Court of Idaho held, in Idaho Association of Chiropractic Physicians, Inc. v. Alcorn, No. 23787,1999 WL 134677, at *1, that insurance regulations of health care services must apply equally to all providers. The Idaho legislature enacted the Small Employer Health Insurance Availability Act, Idaho Code § 41-4701, and the Individual Health Insurance Availability Act, id. § 41-5201, which is to be implemented by the Idaho Small Employer and Individual Health Reinsurance Program. The goal (...)
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    Falling Down a Waterfall an Examination of Crisis.Martin Schönfeld - 2017 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 9 (3):260-268.
    Falling down a waterfall is a boundary experience that epitomizes a crisis. This philosophical essay draws an analogy to the maladaptation civilization finds itself in. Falling down a waterfall is a singular event, but it has structure. There are stages that lead up to it, and if one survives the fall, there will be stages that follow it. I suggest that such a mishap is analogous to the ecological overshoot. What leads to the overshoot, and what is entailed by it, (...)
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    Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir: why agriculture productivity falls: the political economy of agrarian transition in developing countries. Musyafak & Yanuarius Sonlay - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):605-606.
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    34th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Philosophy of Sport in Niagara Falls.Koyo Fukasawa - 2006 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 28 (2):105-110.
  46. Empiricism’s Theory of Abstraction as an Index of How it Falls Short of the Idea of an Eidetic Science of Pure Consciousness.Edmund Husserl - 2019 - In First Philosophy: Lectures 1923/24 and Related Texts From the Manuscripts. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    Factors associated with use of falls risk–increasing drugs among patients of a geriatric oncology outpatient clinic in Australia: a cross‐sectional study.Justin P. Turner, Hanna E. Tervonen, Sepehr Shakib, Nimit Singhal, Robert Prowse & J. Simon Bell - 2017 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 23 (2):361-368.
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    Margaret Fuller, Des femmes en Amérique/ Claudette Fillard, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Naissance du féminisme américain à Seneca Falls.Isabelle Lacoue-Labarthe - 2013 - Clio 37:278-278.
    Différents textes de Margaret Fuller et Elizabeth Cady Stanton, deux féministes américaines parfois oubliées de l’historiographie au profit notamment de Susan B. Anthony (dont le nom reste associé à l’amendement qui a accordé, aux États-Unis, le droit de vote aux femmes) ont récemment fait l’objet de traductions en français et d’une édition critique éclairante. Si la lecture parallèle de leurs textes fait apparaître des traits communs entre les deux militantes, parcours et convictions présent...
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    The Doctrine of the Trinity: Where the Church Stands or Falls.Geoffrey Wainwright - 1991 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 45 (2):117-132.
    In the struggle over traditional trinitarian doctrine, criticism from feminist, deistic, and religionist quarters can stimulate the churches in their revival of this soteriologically vital pattern of the Christian faith.
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    Informed Consent to Amnestics, or: What Sound Does a Tree Make in the Forest When It Falls on Your Head?M. J. Mehlman, G. A. Kanoti & J. P. Orlowski - 1994 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 5 (2):105-108.
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